Climatehack 2022

Overview was an international hackathon themed around fighting climate change. This post will dissect some of the thought process behind our decisions and also show methods we used to build our solution. Much credit goes to my teammates Tony Liu and Andy Cai. Background Better near-term forecasting of solar electricity generation will enable electricity grid operators around the world to do a better job of scheduling their grids. For example, the UK National Energy Grid Operator currently use a combination of solar and natural gas sources to generate power....

April 5, 2022 · 11 min · Jae

Detecting Driver Drowsiness Project

My first ML Project was building a tool that could alert drivers if their eyes were closed for too long. This was inspired by seeing a news article about how Amazon monitors their drivers through in-truck cameras, inspiring me to wishfully turn it into something actually useful. This post will break down the design decisions I made, and explain the tools I used in depth. It will also reflect on what I’ve learned from this experience....

January 2, 2022 · 9 min · Jae